46 Children Killed By Pfizer COVID Vaccine in USA

The US VAERS system records reports of vaccine injuries and deaths due to vaccines. It has been well documented that the database only contains 1% to 10% of the true numbers, for various reasons. In other words, the real numbers may be 10x to 100x the numbers in the database. Currently, it shows 46 children killed by Pfizer COVID vaccine shots in the USA.

It has been documented that the people who maintain that database have carried out campaigns of removing records that people added. Several researchers discovered the deletions by taking multiple daily snapshots and discovering missing records days or weeks later.

The reasons include that many people, including (surprisingly) doctors, don’t know it exists, or maybe they don’t care enough. It is also difficult to navigate through the typical government website that appears designed to be hard to use, and then there is the time it takes to fill in a report. Whatever it is, doesn’t matter right now. What is important is that at least 46 kids, who were happily playing – and breathing, no longer can breathe – they are dead.

Here are records for 46 children who died after receiving a Pfizer COVID vaccination. The VAERS record ID and a link to the record is shown for each of the 46. If you check a link and the entry is missing, you’ll know that one was removed from the system – which they are not supposed to do.

List of Children Killed Shown in VAERS (Pfizer version)

Links to all 46 VAERS records of children who have died following a Pfizer Injection (data to 26th November 2021):

1. 5 month old boy, 1 day after Pfizer, exposure via breast milk: IDNUMBER=1166062
2. 17 year old girl, 8 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1199455
3. 16 year old girl, 9 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1225942
4. 15 year old boy, 1 day after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1242573
5. 17 year old boy, 8 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1243487
6. 17 year old boy, 4 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1307657
7. 15 year old boy, 23 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1382906
8. 16 year old boy, 4 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1386841
9. 17 year old girl, 15 days after Pfizer injection IDNUMBER=1388042
10. 13 year old boy, 1 day after Pfizer injection IDNUMBER=1406840
11. 16 year old girl, 21 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1420630
12. 17 year old girl, 6 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1420762
13. 13 year old boy, 17 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1431289    (20 June 2021)
14. 16 year old boy, 27 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1466009
15. 16 year old boy, 6 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1475434
16. 16 year old boy, 4 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1498080
17. 13 year old girl, 26 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1505250
18. 13 year old girl, days until death after Pfizer injection not noted IDNUMBER=1655100
19. 17 year old boy, 94 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1689212
20. 16 year old girl, 9 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1694568
21. 11 year old girl, days until death after Pfizer injection not noted IDNUMBER=1696757
22. 16 year old boy, 23 days after Pfizer injection IDNUMBER=1734141
23. 16 year old girl, 1 day after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1757635
24. 15 year old boy, 6 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1764974
25. 12 year old girl, 22 days after Pfizer injection IDNUMBER=1784945
26. 13 year old female, 15 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1815096
27. 17 year old girl, 33 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1815295
28. 16 year old girl, days until death after Pfizer injection not noted IDNUMBER=1823671
29. 17 year old girl, 36 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1828901
30. 16 year old girl, 9 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1854668
31. 16 year old girl, 2 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1865389
32. 5 year old girl, 4 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1890705
33. 16 year old boy, 8 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1576798
34. 15 year old girl, onset on day of Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=159268435
35. 13 year old boy, 2 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1633205      (14 August 2021)
36. 15 year old boy, 4 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1668800
37. 17 year old girl, days until death after Pfizer injection not noted IDNUMBER=1688720
38. 14 year old boy, 38 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1690103
39. 16 year old boy, 6 days after Pfizer injection IDNUMBER=1702154
40. 1 year old girl, 2 days after Pfizer injection (age incorrect): IDNUMBER=958443
41. Foetal death (usually not included as a death), 7 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1720648
42. 16 year old girl, days until death not noted: IDNUMBER=1732657
43. 17 year old boy, 9 days after Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1737907
44. 15 year old boy, on day of Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1845034
45. 13 year old boy, on day of Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1862946
46. 12 year old boy, on day of Pfizer injection: IDNUMBER=1865979

Many VAERS Reports Are Worthless

Many VAERS reports are worthless because they don’t contain enough information. For example, many times, vaccine batch numbers are not listed.

Not All Vaccine Deaths Listed in VAERS

To show that not all vaccine injuries are recorded in VAERS, here are a few examples:

Boy, 13, dies in his sleep days after getting Pfizer vaccine June 16th  News Story


Did any of these make it into the news, like the athletes did?

children killed listed in VAERS
Children killed listed in VAERS

Researcher A
Researcher A
Researcher A investigates COVID-related issues, bringing out information that Big Pharma, Big Tech, Politicians, Police, and so-called "Health Professionals" don't seem to want anyone to know. But it is the right of the people to know these things.

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